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If you think about it, it’s easy to understand how your ferret’s health is closely related to the cleanliness of his cage. For example, ferrets use the litter box several times a day. If waste is allowed to build up in the cage, it can quickly create unsanitary conditions. Ferrets will often go outside the litter box if it is too full, which can contaminate food and water or soil bedding. If the odor is strong for you, think how much stronger it is to a ferret with their keen sense of smell. Now imagine living surrounded by such a strong odor – it would be as though your living room was in the middle of a landfill.

However, as important as it is to your ferret’s health to clean the cage regularly, it’s also important to consider the cleaners that you’re using. It’s important to choose ferret-safe products to clean the cage and to use them as directed. Additionally, many of these cleaning products will help. With common sense and an established cleaning routine, you can keep your ferret’s cage sanitary and provide him with the safest of living conditions.

Some effective, ferret-safe deodorizing products include: Neutralizes odors and eliminates debris on cages, habitats, and accessories. Nature’s Miracle Deodorizing Cage Wipes for Ferrets These cage wipes contain enzymes that are tough on stains and easy on your ferret. They eliminate odors completely and leave a clean, fresh scent. Nature’s Miracle Just For Ferrets Stain and Odor Remover. This product has an enzyme-based formula that completely eliminates odors, and it is helpful in removing smelly messes from your ferret’s litter pan and cage.


What a Typical Cleaning Schedule Should Be:

WEEKLY: Empty the litter box. Wash with soap and water. Disinfect with a dilution of 1/4 cup of bleach to 2 quarts of water. Rinse well with clean water. For your safety and comfort, use the bleach solution in a well-ventilated area. Rubber gloves and safety goggles are also recommended. Wash all bedding and fabric toys. Many can be washed in the washing machine, but make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Clean all plastic shelves, toys and other plastic items (excluding any food or water dishes) in the cage with the bleach solution and rinse well. Wipe the cage down with a ferret cage cleaner.



How to Effectively Clean Your Ferret’s Cage 2014, Viewed 20 March 2014, <http://www.drsfostersmith.com/pic/article.cfm?aid=2031>.

Is cleaning a ferret cage in early pregnancy dangerous for the baby … 2014, Viewed 20 March 2014, <http://answers.yahoo.com/question/?qid=20081228113534AAvucFg>.

What Do You Line the Bottom of a Ferret Cage With? | Animals … 2014, Viewed 20 March 2014, <http://animals.pawnation.com/line-bottom-ferret-cage-with-5077.html>.


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